

Call for proposals: Optimal Water Use in Industrial Sectors-2021

The water resources scenario of the country is changing fast adversely in terms of access, quantity as well as quality. The situation is further aggravated by the looming impact of climate change- which will alter the paradigm of management of water resources. 

Water is a critical natural resource and is being affected by increasing industrialization, urbanization, pollution, deforestation and above all climate change. Addressing the growing demand for water to satisfy our imminent needs for drinking, sanitation, irrigation and industry would alone be possible by striking a judicious balance between collection, storage, consumption and innovative reuse. Industry is one of the important users of water and the optimal use of water in the various industrial sectors is going to be more crucial in the coming decades. 

There are three dimensions of the industrial optimality, namely 

  1. minimum specific water footprint in all sectors, 
  2. incorporation of appropriate technologies to conserve water during production and consumption of the industrial products, and 
  3. incorporation of the best available technologies to achieve the so-called “circular economy” approach to treatment of wastewaters and sewages as well as by enhancing reuse of water.

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