

Call for Papers: AWL-SSH Symposium 2022 by IIIT Delhi [August 27-28]: Submit by July 10

 IIIT Delhi is now accepting submissions for the second edition of the AWL-SSH annual conference which will be held from August 27-28, 2022.

About the Organisers

The Academic Writing Lab is an important constituent of IIIT Delhi and is housed in the writing lab within the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). They regularly host seminars, public talks and research-related events.

They aim to address the educational needs which are likely to emerge in the future with the ever-increasing convergence of Computer Science with social systems resulting in an increasing role for the social sciences and the humanities in technology and business solutions.

Organizers: This event is being jointly organized by

About the Symposium

Academic Writing Lab is back with the second version of the annual AWL-SSH Symposium on the theme “Disruption and Its Discontents: Ethics, Politics, and Epistemology of Disruptive Technology.” 

The current theme of the symposium builds upon the inaugural symposium on “Crisis of Truth: The digital era and the future of knowledge” held on 27- 28 August 2022.

They insist on continuing our discussions along these lines, integrating newer threads of theories and concepts on the framework of digital technologies and society.

They are accepting submissions for individual/group paper presentations, panel proposals and for our unique graduate student workshop. Selected papers from the symposium will then be invited to submit their final papers for consideration for publication in a major journal or with a reputed publisher.


Some of the themes which will be covered in the symposium include, but are not limited to:

  • Communication technologies toward freedom and democracy
  • Epistemology of disruptive technology
  • Artificial Intelligence as a challenge to ethics of work culture
  • Idea of revolution in the digital age
  • Discontent and the digital
  • Digital and the question of Power
  • Algorithmic knowledge and art of prediction
  • Ethics of Digital identities
  • Ethics of Digital Dissent
  • Digital and the idea of the public

Submission Procedure

Paper Proposal

  • An individual paper proposal should include an extended abstract of 500 words for a 30-minute slot (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes discussion) by July 10, 2022.
  • The selected participants will be requested to send a 2000- word short paper by 30 July 2022. Co-authors are allowed. Please send your paper proposal as an attachment prepared for blind review to awl@iiitd.ac.in and binoj@iiitd.ac.in.
  • To know more about the theme and topics covered, click here.

Panel Proposal

  • A panel proposal will ideally include 3 papers (for a two-hour slot) with a 500-word summary of the panel and 750–1000-word abstracts for each proposed paper in the panel by June 15, 2022.
  • Notification of acceptance will be sent out by the end of June 2022. Please send your panel proposal as an attachment prepared for blind review to awl@iiitd.ac.in and binoj@iiitd.ac.in.
  • To know more about the theme and topics covered, click here.

Graduate Student Workshop

  • This session shall focus on critical discussions around the topics, panels, and ideas presented in the symposium. The aim is to inculcate dialogues and conversations based on interesting and relevant concepts, which require more exploration.
  • They invite students, scholars, professionals across all fields of life to apply if they are interested in in-depth critical discussions on the theme. Selected participants will get a chance to interact with the invited speakers and are expected to produce a short report which will be published with due credit on the AWL blog.
  • Please note, the minimum educational qualification to apply is a postgraduate degree. To apply, please send a 150 word statement of intent indicating why you are a suitable candidate for the workshop session as a single PDF file attachment to awl@iiitd.ac.in and binoj@iiitd.ac.in.
  • To know more about the theme and topics covered, click here.


Email: awl@iiitd.ac.in

Click here to view the official notification for the AWL-SSH Symposium 2022 by IIIT Delhi.

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