

Free One Week Offline Methodology cum Writeshop for History Teachers and PhD Scholars

 Organizer: Department of History Government Arts College, Thiruvanathapuram in association with Kerala State Higher Education Council (Supported by Kerala Council for Historical Research)

About the Workshop

  • When: 21 to 26 November 2022
  • This is a residential programme with food and accommodation
  • There is no registration fee
  • Kerala State Higher Education Council will issue the Course Certificate and Duty Certificate

The objective is to build research and scholastic capacities of History students by covering various aspects of Research Methodology and Social Theory. The workshop seeks to provide hands-on experience in developing a project proposal, publishing quality research papers and enhancing their analytical, cognitive and writing skills.

Unity Awards 2022 - Indian Achievers Forum of Excellence Records

How to Apply

Prospective participants are requested to send their applications along with a proposal of not more than five hundred words to the following email addresses:

Teachers: historyworkshop2022@gmail.com

PhD Scholars: hstrywrksprs2022@gmail.com

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