

International Interdisciplinary Conference on The Global Indian Diasporas: Literary, Cultural and Socio-Economic Perspectives in the 21st Century

 Event Address: Central University of Gujarat, Sector 29, Gandhinagar, India 

Organizer: Centre for Diaspora Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India In collaboration with the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Jaipur University, Jaipur, Kalahandi University, Kalahandi, Odisha, Assam University (Central), Aligarh Muslim University, and Charotar University of Science and Technology (CHARUSAT). Organizers are also in conversation with the University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India, Indo-Caribbean Centre, Guyana, Central University of Karnataka, Kalburgi, India, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Symbiosis Law School, Pune, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, Central University of Kerala, Kashmir University, Srinagar, Indo-Shastri Institute, Dr. B R Ambedkar University, Delhi, Mumbai University, Mumbai, GRFDT, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, IIM Bangalore, GITAM University. Once the organizer receive the formal replies from all these institutes and universities, the organizer will re-circulate the call for paper with their logos and co-coordinators details.

  • When: Dates: 23-25 February 2023
  • There is no registration fee/publication fee

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Last date: 15 December 2022
  • Acceptance/Rejection update: 30 December 2022
  • Submission of full paper: 1 February 2023
  • The final list of selected participants: 10 February 2023

Concept Note

Culture, Identity, language, and literature are ‘social homes’ wherein we want to reside and if we are forced to migrate voluntarily or involuntarily, we often want to create these social homes away from home. The desire for a social home constantly keeps us engaged in inclined towards the homes that are left behind and compels us to create these homes away from homes. This interesting desire caused by crossing the different socio-cultural settings be it national or international leads to formulating the immigrant minorities or diaspora/diaspora minorities in the host societies. Earlier it was difficult for international migrants to be connected with their physical homes, abstract homes, and also the homeland. But with the advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and compressed time and space due to globalization of the down of 21st century facilitated the national and transnational migrants and their mobilities not just to re/connect and re/united with their homes(homeland) but also to re-create those.

There is significant visibility of migrant and diaspora minorities across the national and transnational places today because of the gradual increase in both national and international migrants. There were around 281 million international migrants according to the UN DESA (2020) i.e., means 3.5 – 4 % total world population. In recent times growing fiscal, socio-cultural, and political significance of international migrants in the form of remittances ($89 billion in remittances came to India in 2022 – World bank 2022] and political importance in the soft power – this phenomenon of diaspora has also attracted the attention of economists, politicians, and policymakers, and scholars across the interdisciplinary boundaries of Humanities and Social Sciences.

India is one of the major sources of the global labour regime along with China it has produced huge international outmigration since colonial times. The old colonial mostly unskilled migration and postcolonial skilled migration constituted the formulation of the Indian diaspora community globally. There are 32 million Indians in the diaspora (MEA 2021) constituting one of the largest diasporas in the world (UN and MEA). As the Indian diaspora is a microcosm of Indian society which is culturally, linguistically, religiously, and ethnically diverse the present conference also aims to explore the experiences, narratives, and the way of representations, and patterns of assimilation, hybridization, and acculturation of various Indian linguistic communities in Diaspora. How they express their feelings through various literary and cultural productions like literature, music, arts, films, folk traditions, and so on.

The colonial and post-colonial Indian diaspora was often studied through international perspectives – often through their experiences in the host land. For example, the Indian diaspora in the Caribbean, Indian Diaspora in USA/Canada/Europe/Africa/ Australia, etc. But the regional languages, linguistic associations, engagements, preservations of their culture, customs, food, and dress habits that constitute the mosaic of Indian Diasporas are less discussed. This present conference is particularly interested to look at Indian Diaspora through regional perspectives. It intends to explore the idea of India’s regional diasporas and their post-migratory transnational experiences, contributions, development, loss, struggle, and adjustment to new socio-cultural settings. and at the same time how they preserve their regional cultures, languages, literature, traditions, folk songs, arts, food, dress, etc. How did people from the linguistic regions of India migrate to different national and international linguistic and socio-cultural settings how did they preserve, and nurture their regional languages and cultures, how did they contribute to the development of their region, and how did regional languages, lit, and culture prosper in the transnational space? It also looks at the socio-cultural, economic, and political importance of India’s regional diasporas for both homeland (regional development) and hosts lands amidst the growing restrictions on international migrants due to the rise of nativism, right-wing nationalisms, security concerns, racial/restrictive citizenship and immigrant policies, bio-warfare, and most recent Covid-19 pandemic.

The present conference aims to explore the following focused subthemes which are called ‘sub-conference’ here:
GID Sub-conference (Conference CODE)

GIDSC 01: Punjabi Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 02: Gujarati Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 03: Hindi Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 04: Urdu Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 05: Bengali Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 06: Odia Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 07: Malayali Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 08:Tamil Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 09: Kashmiri Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 10:Marathi Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 11A: Telugu Diaspora in 21st Century
GIDSC 11B: Kannada Diaspora in 21st Century

The sub-theme for GIDSC 01-11B are

  • History and patterns of (Regional diaspora name) migration
  • Regional/Linguistic _Cultures in Diaspora Regional/Linguistic __Identities in Diaspora Regional Language and literatures in Diaspora Regional/Linguistic migrant narratives within India (a Comparative perspective) Film and other visual representations Economy/remittances, Philanthropy, Development, and Regional/Linguistic Diaspora International relation and Politics in the context of _(Indian State Name) _ States and Regional/Linguistic in Diaspora
  • Regional Linguistic/Cultural/student/political associations/Sangam/Samaj
  • Minorities, Dalits, and Religions in Regional/Linguistic Diaspora
  • Students’ migration
  • Regional/Linguistic Diaspora and Business, Trade, and Entrepreneurship
  • Regional/Linguistic Digital Diasporas
  • Regional/Linguistic Migrants and Diaspora and Covid -19
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 12 A: Minorities in India Diaspora in 21st Century

  • Diaspora as Minority in Host countries /Transnational Space
  • Racism/Nationalism
  • Minority Culture
  • Gender Minorities in Diaspora
  • Religious Minorities in Diaspora
  • Linguistic minorities in Diaspora
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 12 B: Dalits in India Diaspora in 21st Century v Caste in Diaspora

  • Dalit Experiences of national and international border crossing
  • Dalit Experiences in transnational space
  • Ambedkar and other social reformers in Diaspora
  • Migration and Diaspora and development of Dalits
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 13: Indian Languages and Translating/ion in Diaspora v Linguistic/Cultural associations/Sangam/samaj in Diaspora

  • Indian Languages in Diaspora
  • Linguistic identities in Indian Diaspora
  • Literature of Indian Diaspora in Translation
  • Translation of Culture and Diasporic spaces
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 14: Indian Cultures and Religions in Diaspora v Indian cultures in Diaspora

  • Indian Music and Dance in the diaspora
  • Indian Religions in the diaspora
  • Indian cuisine in the diaspora
  • Dress, fashion, and festivals in the diaspora
  • India Food in Diaspora Any other related theme

GIDSC 15: Remittances, Economy, and Indian Diaspora v Remittances

  • Philanthropy
  • Development
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Indian Diaspora
  • Diaspora and Economy
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 16: International Relation and Indian Diaspora v India’s Foreign Policy

  • Diaspora Policy
  • Soft power and Indian Diaspora
  • Diaspora and Bi-lateral relations
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 17: Indian Skilled and Unskilled Labours and Students in Diaspora v Indian Unskilled Labour migration: Unrecognize sector

  • Student Migration
  • Skilled migration: Technocrats/Engineers/ Doctors/Nurses
  • Indian Teachers and Academicians in Diaspora
  • Indian Students’ Organization in Diaspora
  • Indian Professionals’ organization in the diaspora
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 18: Business, Trade and Entrepreneurship and Indian Diaspora v International and Transnational Trade routes in Indian Diaspora

  • Indian Trade Diaspora
  • Diaspora and Investment
  • Indian diaspora entrepreneurship
  • Global IT industries and Indian Diaspora
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 19: Media, Documentaries, and Films and Indian Diasporas v Media in Diaspora

  • Media of Diaspora
  • Bollywood and Hollywood on Indian diasporas
  • South Asian and regional Cinema and Indian Diasporas
  • Documentary/ies / Films on the Indian Diaspora
  • Indian Digital Diasporas
  • Social Media and Indian Diasporas
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 20: English literature of the Indian Diaspora v Indian Diaspora and English Language/s

  • Indian Diaspora Literature in English
  • Poetry, Letters, Fiction, Drama/Play/Autobiographies
  • Indian Diaspora Literature in English and South Asian Diaspora Literature: Comparative Approach
  • Indian Diaspora Literatures in English Translation
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 21: Indian Migrants, Diasporas, and Covid -19 v Remittances and Covid -19

  • Indian Migrants during Covid -19
  • Indian Diaspora and Covid -19
  • Covid – 19 and Return migration/repatriation
  • Covid -19 and the Health of Migrants and Diaspora
  • Covid -19 and families of Migrants and diaspora
  • Any other related theme

GIDSC 22: History of Indian Migration and Diaspora

  • Ancient Indian International Migration
  • Medieval Indian International Migration Colonial Indian International Migration
  • Indian Freedom Struggle and Indian diaspora
  • Post-colonial Indian International Migration
  • Indian Travellers and Travelogues
  • Indian Soldiers’ migration during the colonial time
  • Indian soldiers in transnational securities
  • Any other related theme

Guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  1. Mention in the “Subject” of the email: in which session you want to present your paper for example: ‘GID Subconference 5’, Followed by the title of the proposed paper.
  2. 300 words Abstract in Times New Roman, 12 Font size with a short bio note (100 words) needs to be submitted to globalindiandiasporas2023@gmail.com before 15th December 2022.
  3. Languages of presentation are English and respective Indian regional languages for GID Sub-conference 1 to 11 – B
  4. For GID Sub-conference 12 to 22 – the language of presentation and paper contribution in English
  5. A 12 minute long presentation followed by 5 a minute of discussion, comments, and suggestions.
  6. Abstract Structure should include – Title; Research question; methodology; data sources; hypothesis; research gap/what is new about the paper; and seven keywords.
  7. It is mandatory to fill up this google form along with submitting the abstract

Register Here

Only 30 best papers will be selected for each sub-conference in English and 20 best papers in respective regional languages.


Sajaudeen N. Chapparban (Ph.D)
Convenor and Coordinator of the Conference,
Assistant professor at the Centre for Diaspora Studies,
Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India
Contact No: +91 9106104647 Email: shujaudeen@cug.ac.in

Organizer are also working on CFP in Punjabi, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Odia, Malayali, Tamil, Kashmiri, Marathi, Telugu, and Kannada to encourage scholars from Indian mother tongues. This is also a small token of celebration of the upcoming International Mother Language Day on 21st February 2023.

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