

National Quiz with Certificate on Be Kind Whenever Possible (World Kindness Day 2022)

National Level Free Quiz with Certificate on World Kindness Day 2022 on Theme Be Kind Whenever Possible

World Kindness Day is observed on 13 November as a World Kindness movement over the world to promote kindness. This day provides us an opportunity to act kindly to others and no doubt kindness is an important unifying human principle. The act of kindness brings people together and creates a sort of positive vibe in the surrounding.

The aim of celebrating World Kindness Day is to highlight and encourage people, society, and the community to do good things and be kind to everyone. Also, this day provides a reminder that kindness quality has the power to be together and create a kinder world where all people can work together. No doubt it is not easy to comprehend but even a small act can make a difference. This day also inspires us to believe that one act of kindness can make a global change among us, in society, and in the community.

Kindness is a quality that is defined as being friendly, generous and considerate. Words related to kindness are affection, warmth, gentleness, concern, care, etc. Being kind requires courage and strength. It is an interpersonal skill. Kindness is a willingness to celebrate other’s success and help a person when he or she is in need. Therefore, World Kindness Day is observed on 13 November to promote the act of Kindness and to highlight the importance of being kind.

Participate in this National Quiz and win a beautiful certificate of participation.

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