
Dec 29: ICSSR Sponsored Ten Day Offline Interactive National Workshop on Research Methodology

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Organizer: Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Vishnupuri, Nanded ( Maharashtra) 

About Workshop (Offline)

  • When: 29 December 2022 to 9 January 2023
  • Free Registration
  • Venue : Seminar Hall, School of Earth Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teenh Marathwada University, Nanded 431 606 (Maharashtra)

Target Audience: Young researcher pursuing M.Phil/Ph.D / PDF programme in different diseiplines of social sciences.

Selection Process: The number of seats are limited to 30. The selection will he as per the guidelines and requirements of ICSSR and scientific committee constituted by the course coordinator.

Accommodation: Outstation Participants may get university guest house by paying charges as per the University Rules and the availahility.

Objectives of Workshop:

  • To orient the participants about the significance of research in social sciences for overall development of societies, maintaining socio-economical balance.
  • To familiarize on philosophical and theoretical dimensions of social sciences in general and research in particular.
  • To deliberate on the aspects of researching theme, formulating research questions and objectives, setting research design and other components of research proposal.
  • To interact with the participants on various research methods and techniques of data collection and data analysis and interpretation.
  • To deliberate on bestowing final shape of research output in the fornt of research report.

Register Here

The university intends to assist and promote objective research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. In this direction the Department of Geography, School of Earth Sciences and School of Management Sciences are jointly organizing a Ten Days National Level workshop. The course intends to strengthen the academic talent pool of the participants who are M.Phil and Ph.D Scholars enrolled in recognized Indian universities.The core objective of this workshop into help the participants for understanding the essential skills required to conduct a scientific research based on empirical data. The workshop will focus on theoretical and philosophical dimensionsas well as varied practical aspects of research that a researcher encounters during accomplishment of research such as defining research problems, framing research questions, formulation of hypothesis, exploring data sources, data collection methods and tools, data analysis techniques and various aspects related with report writing. This workshop is sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, Western RegionalCentre(WRC), Mumbai.

Workshop Website: Visit Here

Details: Conference Brochure


Dr. Avinash Kadam, 9975834734 , askadam505@gmail.com

Dr. Nishikant Warbhuwan, 9890334077, srtmulatur@gmail.com

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