

Call for Papers: Cultural Positions- The Magic of Everyday Life

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Organizer: Department of Sociology, The Bhavanipur University

Our daily activities are unambiguous and mundane and hardly seem worthwhile delving into any kind of discourse. By daily activities, we mean humdrum routine work and nothing out of the ordinary. But it is interesting to note that if required it is rather difficult to reflect upon and editorialize the most natural insignificant things one would engage in throughout the day. Now, why is it even important to ponder on the lucid uninteresting details of human life. The answer was given by Georg Simmel (1950) who expertly simplified it by saying, ‘even the most banal externalities of life’ are expressions of the wider social and cultural order. Hence, to understand the deeper definition attached to the larger social constitution it is important to seek meaning to how society is structured, reasons behind the behavioral aspects of mankind, perspectives and perceptions that societies hold for its sustenance, and the cultural contexts out of which interactions arise

The theme, here, presents the metaphor of Culture as a magical potion acting as a melting pot for creative complexities and intricate nuances of cultural exchanges that exist in society. To understand Culture is to have access to the art and the aesthetic, the intellectual and the ideology, and the phenomenological experiences and the habits. Perhaps the most fundamental concern of a human being is to immerse oneself in the practices and moral orders of the society he is a part of. The sociology of Culture can therefore be approached, in an attempt, to comprehend the questions of human agency, interests, social structures, imaginations, traditions, routines and varied cultural discourse.

India’s G20 Culture Track Quiz

With global transformations and distant forces producing an enmeshed tangled meaning to the local activities, it is time to take cue from the massive transformations and develop studies that are concerned with the new emergent meanings spread across the broader context of life in the globalized terrain.

The edited volume with ISBN invites articles related but not limited to the following themes:

  • Indicators of change: human agency and identity
  • Lifestyle and culture: Ancient and Contemporary aspects
  • Religion and everyday life
  • Food: choice and identity
  • Gender stereotype and culture
  • Globalization: melting pot of cultures
  • Media and Communication patterns
  • Environment and Wellbeing
  • Political nuances of everyday life
  • Technology & Culture: Digitalization of Livelihood

General Guidelines:

All submissions must strictly adhere to APA style sheet 6th edition for intext citations and referencing. The submission shall be expected to be within 2000-3000 words including references, figures and appendix. The submission should be in MS Word format along with an abstract (200 words) and a small biographical note of the respective authors in not more than 100 words

  • The attachment should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Justified Alignment, Paragraph Spacing 1.5.
  • Each page should keep the title as a running header.
  • Page number should be inserted at centre bottom (footer) of each page.
  • All tables and figures should be placed within the main text and numbered.
  • Appendix (if necessary) are to be given after references.
  • All articles are subject to blind peer review and plagiarism check before publication.

Attachment Structure for Submission:

Title of the paper in bold and underlined format.

  • Name of the author with affiliation/ designation.
  • Abstract (in Italics).
  • Full paper (including references and in-text citations).
  • Short biographical note.

Attachment Structure for Submission:

Date of abstract submission: 15.02.2023 (200 words)

Once the abstract is selected, the author will be intimated to mail the article.

Final Date of Article Submission: 05.03.2023

Please mail articles to: publication.sociologybges@gmail.com {alertSuccess}

For further queries mail at: publication.sociologybges@gmail.com {alertInfo}

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