

International Webinar on "Enhancing Macro Skills Through M-Learning" | 27 October

Dear Sir / Madam,

Greetings from
The Department of English,
Dr. M.G.R. Government Arts and Science College for Women,
Villupuram - 605 401
Tamilnadu, India.

We cordially invite you to the International Webinar on      
  “ Enhancing Macro Skills Through M-Learning “

Chief Resource Person:
 Dr. Mirunalini
 Specialist in English Language Teaching (ELT),
Tutor, TAFE AMEP (Adult Migration English Program),
Member of Australian e- learning Association,
Time: 10.30 a.m 
Platform: Google Meet

 *No Registration fee

 *Registration Link for Presentation:

Google Meet Link:

YouTube Live Streaming Link:

 *E-certificate will be provided to the active participants who submit the feedback forms which will be posted towards the end of the session in the Chat Box.

With warm regards,

 Dr. D. Ganesan

Organizing Secretary
Dr. L. Ravi Shankar
Associate Professor & Head,
Department of English.

Organizing Committee Members:
1. Mrs. Hepzibah Swarnakala S.
2.Ms. Grace Asha Meriyam D.
3. Mrs. S. Shanmathi
4. Dr. G. Karthiga
5. Ms. V.L. Archanaa

Thank you.

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