
IDF World Dairy Summit 2022 – QUIZ ,Till15 Sep 2022.

About the quiz

India is hosting the World Dairy Summit 2022 (WDS 2022) of the International Dairy Federation at the Indian Expo Center and Mart, India Exposition Mart Limited, Greater Noida. The conference takes place on September 12-15, 2022.

The theme for WDS 2022 is “Milk for Nutrition and Livelihood”.

IDF WDS 2022 is expected to gather approximately 1,500 participants, including 300 foreign participants from IDF member countries and other countries around the world, making it a suitable platform for networking and cross-learning that will go a long way to achieving greater efficiency. , efficiency, and sustainability throughout the dairy value chain. This event is one of the major international events for the dairy sector worldwide.

Rules and conditions

1. The duration of the quiz will be 10 minutes, and all questions can be answered.
2. An incorrect answer will not be evaluated negatively.
3. Participants from all over the world and all nationalities can apply for the quiz.
4. The quiz will be available to all contestants for a period of 5 minutes [300 seconds] during which they must answer 5 questions.
5. All Indian citizens are eligible to participate.
6. An individual can participate in the quiz only once.
7. Anyone who wants to participate in the quiz will be asked to enter their name, email address, and mobile number.
8. The same mobile number and email ID cannot be used more than once for participating in the quiz.
9. Uncovering/detecting/recording the use of any unfair/counterfeit means/unfair practices. While participating in the quiz will result in the participation being declared invalid and therefore rejected.
10. Employees, whether directly or indirectly, related to the organization of the quiz, cannot participate in the quiz. This incapacity also applies to their immediate family members.
11. Once you submit a post, it cannot be downloaded.
12. One competitor can participate only once.
13. The Organizers have no responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed or incomplete, or not submitted due to computer error or other errors beyond the Organizer's reasonable control. 
14. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the organizers reserve the right to change or cancel the Quiz at any time. 
15. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the organizers reserve the right to change or cancel the Quiz at any time.
16. The Participant must comply with all rules and regulations for participation in the Quiz from time to time.
17. The Organizers reserve all rights to disqualify or refuse participation of any entrant if they believe that the entrant's participation or association is prejudicial to the Quiz or the Quiz Organizers or Partners. Entries will be invalid if the information received by the organizer is illegible, incomplete, damaged, false, or incorrect.
18. The organizer's decision on the quiz is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.
19. These Terms are governed by the laws of the Indian Judiciary.
20. By entering the quiz, the participant accepts and agrees to be bound by these conditions stated above.

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