

Free Quiz With Digital Certificate on Criminal Law

Organizer: Canon Sphere

About the Quiz Competition

  • Participation in the quiz is free and open to all law students. 
  • The quiz will be conducted on 12/11/2022 and will be available from 07PM to 7:30PM IST
  • Quiz will based on “Criminal Law ” which will cover subjects like IPC, CrPC and Evidence Act and will be conducted by way of ‘Google Form’
  • All the participants will be provided their certificates within 2 weeks from the Date of quiz
  • Participation in the quiz implies that participants accept these rules
  • Non-compliance with the rules results in the automatic cancellation of the participation in the quiz

Register Here

The Link of Quiz will be only shared on Telegram Channel of Canon Sphere. It will not be shared on any other medium. Link of telegram channel will be sent via confirmation mail.

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