

Global Development Competition 2022

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The global development awards competition is an innovative award scheme that is administered by the global development Network (GDN), which is funded under the policy and human resources development fund which is managed by the world bank and generously supported by the ministry of finance, Japan.

General guidelines:

The theme of the 2022 edition is posted covid 19 Governance- learning from challenging circumstances to build better governance systems and will feature 2 categories:

1)     Japanese award for outstanding research on development (ORD): competitive research is a grant program that identifies and funds outstanding research proposals that have a high potential for excellence and for future policy implementations for addressing development issues in low- and middle-income countries (as defined by the world bank)

2)     Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP): it is a competitive grant program that supports non-governmental organizations (NGO) and civil society organizations (CSO) in low or lower-middle-income countries (as defined by the world bank) to recognize the innovative approach of their project.


·       For The ORD category: the winner would get USD 60000 with the first prize awarded USD 30K, the second will get 20K, and the third one will get USD 5K.

·       For The MIDP Category: a total of USD 125K with the 2 first prizes awarded USD 50K and the second winner will get USD 25 k. Then the first winners will compete for the JDF award, which will scale the prize money up to USD 200 K.

·       There will be capacity-building activities before the awards to support the participants and strengthen the project design, development, and writing skills.

·       The awarded grant would get a dedicated mentor and an expert in the field.

·       Non-Governmental organizations and Civil Society organizations for the MIDP category can participate.

·        Last date for application submission is 6 January 2023.

apply here

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