

Free Quiz with Certificate on World Asteroid Day 2023 - Udaan Youth Club Tyodhi

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  • Organizer: Udaan Youth Club Tyodhi (Affiliated with VIPNET & NYK Baghpat)
  • Questions: 10
  • Reward: Digital Certificate

On the occasion of World Asteroid Day 2023, Udaan Youth Club Tyodhi is thrilled to announce the "Free Quiz with Certificate on World Asteroid Day 2023". This national quiz aims to engage individuals from diverse backgrounds in an exploration of the fascinating world of science and deepen their understanding of asteroids.

Participating in this quiz provides a wonderful opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and delve into the realm of asteroids, their composition, impact on Earth, and their significance in space exploration. By joining us in this quiz, you can embark on a journey of discovery and gain valuable insights into the intriguing field of planetary science.

We welcome individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of their educational background or expertise, to be a part of this national event. Whether you're a space enthusiast, a science student, or simply curious about the wonders of the universe, this quiz is designed to ignite your curiosity and expand your understanding of asteroids.

Additionally, upon successful completion of the quiz, participants will be awarded a certificate as a testament to their active engagement and commitment to learning. This certificate serves as a valuable recognition of your achievement and can be a great addition to your academic or professional portfolio.

Don't miss this opportunity to join us on World Asteroid Day 2023, as we come together to explore the intriguing world of science and deepen our knowledge about asteroids. Register today and prepare to embark on an exciting journey of discovery!

Join https://chat.whatsapp.com/BkdaEu2qQUP8DKzWFPR33G to get your certificate of participation. All the certificates will be shared in the group daily at 6 Pm.


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