

New Life on the Old West Photography Competition 2023: Submit Entries by Aug 31!

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Submissions are invited for the New Life on the Old West Photography Competition 2023. Submit your entries by August 31, 2023!

About the Competition

  • The New Life on the Old West Photographic Competition is owned and run by Cambridgeshire ACRE, the organisation responsible for the New Life on the Old West project. Cambridgeshire ACRE is also the promoter of the competition.
  • The competition is free to enter and is for both amateur and professional photographers.
  • The aim of the competition is to showcase the flora, fauna and geography within and surrounding the NLOW area.
  • The NLOW Photographic Competition is free to enter.


  • There are 2 categories: Under 18s and Adults and Seniors.
  • One overall winner and one runner-up will be chosen in each category. These entries will be shared extensively on NLOW online: on the NLOW website and on social media. Winning entries may also be displayed elsewhere in print or electronically.


  • The competition opened for entries on May 30, 2023.
  • The deadline for entries is 23:59 on August 31, 2023.
  • Winners will be announced during the week commencing September 11, 2023. Announcements will be made on the NLOW website and across NLOW social media.

Conditions of Entry

  • All entries must be submitted via info[at]newlifeoldwest[dot]org[dot]uk.
  • Photography submitted must be taken in and around the NLOW geographical area including Ouse Fen and Wicken Fen, or at an NLOW event.
  • Entries must be submitted digitally with the file name: Name of Image/Photographer/Location of Image.
  • The image entry file size must be the largest possible.
  • Images must be submitted by 23:59 on August 31, 2023.
  • Images must not include watermarks, borders, or signatures.
  • Images may be in colour or black and white.
  • All entries must be accompanied by the following information:
    • Name of Photographer.
    • Category entered (Under 18s or Adults/Seniors).
    • If the entrant is under 18 years old, parental permission must be given.
    • Place where the image was taken e.g. Sports Centre, Cottenham and include the postcode, grid reference or what3words reference.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The NLOW Photographic Competition is open to everyone.
  • No age limit applies but entrants 18 must seek parental permission to enter.
  • The entrant must be the original artwork creator and hold the copyright.
  • Images must not be licenced or disposed of any rights that will conflict with the competition.
  • Photos must be the entrant’s original work and you must be the sole owner of the copyright. The promoter does not accept liability for the publication of plagiarised entries.
  • NLOW requires that prior permission be sought before submitting photographs that contain people. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary permissions are obtained from any person featured in a photograph.


  • Digital adjustments that maintain the integrity of the image are allowed.
  • It is not permitted to make any physical changes to the image. You may not, for example, add or remove plants, objects, animals, people, landscapes or any parts of animals, plants, people or landscapes.
  • Accepted digital adjustments include dodging and burning, changes to tone and contrast and cropping, as well as High Dynamic Range imaging techniques, stitched panoramas and focus stacking.
  • NLOW may request the RAW file(s) or original camera jpeg(s) for any shortlisted image, if it deems that image does not follow the restrictions on digital manipulation and reserves the right to disqualify any image that it feels lacks authenticity.
  • An image will be rejected if, in the opinion of the judges, it appears that the image has been taken in such a way that wildlife law or animal welfare requirements may have been breached; protected species or habitats have been compromised; or the image has been otherwise taken in an irresponsible manner.


  • The photographs will be judged by a panel of judges including an independent party.
  • The competition judges will then choose from the selected shortlisted entries, to select one winner and one runner-up for each category.
  • The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Copyright and Usage

  • Entrants remain the copyright holder to any images submitted by themselves.
  • By entering, you grant NLOW and Cambridgeshire ACRE perpetual, irrevocable and royalty-free licence to publish your photograph in any type of media, including but not limited to: exhibitions, online, in the press, and in promotional items.
  • The entrants agree to NLOW and Cambridgeshire ACRE free usage sub-licensing the shortlisted images for press articles or any other external communications related to the competition or the NLOW project.
  • The photographer will be credited (e.g. © photographer’s name). The photographer agrees that the Owners will not be liable to the photographer in the event of inadvertent omission of the credit.
  • The entrant is responsible for any claim made by a third party against the submission.
  • The Promoter excludes liability to the full extent permitted by law for any loss, damage or injury occurring to the participant arising from his or her entry into the promotion or occurring to the winner(s) arising from his or her acceptance of a prize.
  • The promotion is subject to the laws of England.

Click here to read the official notification of the New Life on the Old West Photography Competition 2023.

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