

July 03-09: One Week High-End Workshop on Bifurcations and Chaos: Computations and Applications

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Organizer: Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Indore Sponsored by SERB under KARYASHALA scheme

About the Workshop

  • When: July 3 – July 9, 2023
  • Free Registration
  • Mode: Offline Only

Registration Fee: NIL. However, the selected candidate has to deposit Rs 3000/-which will be refundable after the compilation of the course.

The KARYASHALA scheme initiated by SERB, Govt. of India is to enhance skill development training on emerging topics essential for scientific research. Of course, the main objective of this workshop is to train PG students and PhD scholars, and to make them well equipped in the field of nonlinear dynamics, modeling, computations, and applications. However, another two important.

objectives are: (1) to make the participants learn explicit coding mechanism so that the users will be more familiar in writing algorithms as per requirements. (2) to give an opportunity to a significant number of candidates from State Govt. universities/ colleges where appropriate expertises/facilities in the field of dynamical systems are not available. Overall the workshop will make the participants aware of the interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research approaches.

Who can apply: Preferably second-year PG
students and first and second-year PhD scholars. Women candidates are highly encouraged to apply.

Register Here

Registration Guidelines

  • The maximum number of participants is limited to 25.
  • Students selected for this workshop are eligible for travel allowance (TA) reimbursement (3rd AC) for their journey to and from IIT Indore, as per SERB and GoI norms.
  • Accommodation for the participants will be provided at the IITI hostel with catering facilities.
  • During registration, the candidate must upload a NOC letter duly signed by the competent authority.

Course Content

  • Module 1: One-dimensional flows, Stability, Blow-up phenomenon, Critical slowing down, Saddle node, Transcritical, and Pitchfork bifurcations
  • Module 2: Classification of linear systems, Nonlinear systems, Periodic solutions, Limit cycles, Oscillators
  • Module 3: Solving system of ODEs using the Euler and RK4 methods, Inbuilt ode23 and ode45, Plotting phase portraits, Plotting multiple stable and unstable limit cycles, Drawing vector field, Bifurcation diagram
  • Module 4: Chaos and its identification, Tools for detecting chaos, Lyapunov exponents, Control of Chaos, Applications of chaos
  • Module 5: Discretization process, Stability of discrete-time systems, Flip and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations in predator-prey systems, Chaos, Dynamical system using Mathematica.
  • Module 6: Fractional derivative, Maps, Z- transform, Stability region, Complex order, Periodic maps
  • Module 7: Different phase transitions and bifurcations in Kuramoto oscillators with pairwise couplings and beyond

Detailed Information: Click Here

Coordinator: Dr. Bapan Ghosh

Email: keshab.bapan@iiti.ac.in


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