

Sci-fAI Futures Youth Challenge 2024 by UNODA [Ages 13-19; With Cash Prizes]: Submit by July 15

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Submissions are invited for the Sci-fAI Futures Youth Challenge 2024 by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA). The last date of submission is July 15, 2024.


The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) was established in January 1998 as part of the United Nations Secretariat. Its creation was part of a plan by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to reform the UN, presented in his report to the General Assembly in July 1997.

Contest Details

The UNODA is launching the Sci-fAI Futures Youth Challenge, calling on young people to share their vision of a fictional world in 2145 where countries have integrated artificial intelligence (AI) into their militaries. The challenge explores scenarios of both benefits and risks associated with this integration.

This creative, science-fiction challenge provides a platform to spark the interest and imagination of young people worldwide about how AI could be used in or to prevent armed conflicts, its potential interactions with other emerging technologies, and positive scenarios in which AI is leveraged for good in the military domain.

Creative writing and illustration are powerful media for young people to explore possible futures and identify steps towards a desirable one. As the international community discusses pathways to ensure the responsible design, development, and deployment of military AI applications, including through the Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) initiative, young voices can play a key role in inspiring brighter outcomes and cautioning against adverse ones through storytelling.

The Sci-fAI Futures Youth Challenge is funded through generous financial support from the Government of the Republic of Korea.


Young people worldwide between the ages of 13 and 19 are invited to submit either:

  • A written story of up to 2,145 words, or
  • A graphic comic of up to six pages envisioning how they see AI affecting international peace and security in 2145.

Participants can submit their responses under one of three themes:

  1. Armed Conflict and Conflict Resolution
  2. Human-centred Approaches to Disarmament
  3. Responsible Innovation

Under these themes, participants could evaluate specific areas such as:

  • Meaningful human control of AI in the military domain
  • Integration of AI into other emerging technologies and potential implications for international peace and security
  • Potential technical challenges, including unintended bias, explainability, and traceability


Winners, selected by a diverse, intergenerational panel of judges, will be invited to present their vision at the upcoming REAIM Summit in Seoul. They will also receive a monetary reward and visibility across Office for Disarmament Affairs platforms.

How to Submit?

Interested participants can submit their entries online via this link.

Submission Deadline

The last date of submission is July 15, 2024.


Email: youth4disarmament[at]un[dot]org

Click here to view the official notification of the Sci-fAI Futures Youth Challenge 2024 by United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs.

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