

Brilliant Flash Fiction Writing Contest 2022 [Prizes Worth Rs. 27k]: Submit by April 15

 Applications are open and invited from eligible candidates for the Brilliant Flash Fiction Writing Contest 2022.

About Brilliant Flash Fiction Writing Contest

They invite writers from all over the world to submit fiction stories on any topic of their choice. The goal is to present the best and most unusual international fiction for readers.

Brilliant Flash Fiction is an online quarterly literary journal established in 2014 by Dawn Lowe and Laurie Scavo. Ed Higgins joined Dawn and Laurie in 2015.

About the Judge

pamela painter contest judge
Pamela Painter

PAMELA PAINTER is the award-winning author of five story collections, most recently Fabrications:  New and Selected Stories. She is also co-author with Anne Bernays of the widely-used textbook, What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers. Her flash stories have appeared in Flash Boulevard, FracturedLit, Matter Press, New Flash Fiction Review, and SmokeLong Quarterly, among others and in numerous anthologies, such as Sudden Fiction, Flash FictionFrom Blues to Bop, Four Minute Fictions, Flash Fiction Forward, MicroFiction, Nothing Short of 100, and New Micro. She has received grants from The Massachusetts Artists Foundation and the National Endowment of the Arts, and has won three Pushcart Prizes. Painter’s stories have been presented on National Public Radio, and on stage by the Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre, and in Los Angeles, New York City and London by Cedering Fox’s Word Theatre Company. Her flash stories also appear on well-known artist Anthony Russo’s YouTube channel CRONOGEO. 

Contest Rule and Registration Procedure

  • One entry per author. Open to writers worldwide, no age requirement.
  • Send your entry pasted into the body of an email and also as a Word attachment (in the same email) to bffwritingcontest@gmail.com. Please place your story title in the subject line of your email.
  • Formatting requirements: Please submit your story double-spaced using font-size 12 pt. Times New Roman. This is a blind-judged contest, so please do not put your name on your story. Instead, please submit a brief author bio in a separate attachment with your contest entry. Results will be announced sometime before June 30, 2022.
  • Authors retain all rights to submitted work.
  • Fiction only, please. No poetry or essays.
  • All entries must be original and unpublished. This means submissions that have been accepted for publication anywhere else, including blogs, radio broadcast, personal web pages, etc., are not eligible. Entries of more than 500 words or entries found to be published anywhere else will be immediately disqualified.
  • All winning and shortlisted entries will be published on our website.


  • $200 first prize
  • $100 second prize
  • $50 third prize
  • $20 and publication on our website for shortlisted stories

Submission Deadline

April 15, 2022

Click here to view the official notification for the Brilliant Flash Fiction Writing Contest 2022.

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