

TAGᵉ - Talking Across Generations on Education [In Collaboration with Y20 Brazil]: Register by June 17

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In the first 2024 edition of TAGᵉ (Talking Across Generation on Education), UNESCO MGIEP is teaming up with the Y20 Secretariat of Brazil to empower youth to drive positive change.

The focus area:
- Climate Change, Energy Transition, and Sustainable Development
- Social Inclusion and Diversity

In the open dialogue, 6 Youths and 3 Decision Makers will discuss on the topic:
Climate Change Anxiety Among Youth and How it Can Be Tackled through SEL.

Venue: Belém-PA, Hangar Convention Center, Brazil / Online
Date: 18 June, 2024
Time: 14:30 PM (GMT-3), 11:30 PM (IST)

Register now at https://forms.framerspace.com/kljcv4-tag-youth-climate-emotions?uniqueid=
Official Notification Link: https://mgiep.unesco.org/tage-climate-emotions-youth

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