

Public Consultation on Current Startup Definition and Guidelines by Startup India [Online; Open for All Stakeholders]: Participate by July 25

Startup India invites stakeholders to participate in a Public Consultation to refine the Startup Definition and Recognition Guidelines, aiming to enhance the support for the entrepreneurial ecosystem and capture the true spirit of entrepreneurship within India.

About Startup India

Startup India is an initiative of the Government of India aimed at promoting and supporting startups throughout the country. It provides numerous benefits, including simplification of regulations, funding support, and incubation facilities to foster a robust startup ecosystem.

About the Consultation

This consultation seeks inputs from various stakeholders to promote a clearer understanding of what qualifies as a startup. This, in turn, will help provide enhanced support to the entrepreneurial ecosystem and truly capture the spirit of entrepreneurship in India.


  • Enhanced Support: Refined guidelines will provide better support to startups.
  • Clearer Definition: Improved understanding of what qualifies as a startup.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Opportunity to shape the future of India's startup ecosystem.


  • Participants: Open to all stakeholders in the startup ecosystem, including entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and policy-makers.

How to Participate

  1. Review Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the current guidelines and definitions:
  2. Substantiate Comments: Provide detailed and substantiated comments based on the document priorities.
  3. Specific Section Feedback: Offer specific feedback for any section in the guidelines.
  4. Submit Inputs: Complete the form by 11:59 PM IST on 25th July 2024.

Contact Information

Form for Public Consultation

The form below contains clauses from the Startup Definition and Guidelines for Startup Recognition by DPIIT. Please provide your recommendations for each clause in the text area provided.

Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure comments are detailed and based on document priorities.
  • Provide input against specific sections if applicable.
  • Submit detailed comments before 11:59 PM IST on 25th July 2024.


  • Is there a participation fee? No, participation in the consultation is free.
  • Who can participate? Any stakeholder in the startup ecosystem, including entrepreneurs, investors, and policy-makers.
  • Where to submit inputs? Inputs can be submitted through the provided form link.

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